Kompakt Plastic/Cardboard Balers- KM 205 Baler


Looking for power-packed, energy-efficient plastic/cardboard balers for sale or rent? You’re in the right place.

The KM 205 cardboard baler packs quite a punch even though it is the “smaller-sized” brother to the KM 102 baler.

Save Money

This compact cardboard baler frees up space {and in turn money!} for you by taking up a much smaller space while making a bale TWICE the size of the KM102.

You cut costs in bin collections and collection frequencies!

Save Time

Staff no longer has to waste time trying to stuff bulky cardboard boxes into the bin. Bales are compact {like our name!} and the bale out indicator will show when they need to be removed.

The KM 205 cardboard balers are EN16500 compliant which means that they’re as safe as they’re powerful!

Save the Planet

Balers are an eco-conscious company’s best friend. Not only are you saving money, you’re reducing carbon emissions, thanks to lesser truck movements.

Powerful Features:

☑ Ergonomic, easy, clean and safe

☑ Large door, long vertical chamber

☑ Low on noise, low on energy

☑ New EN16500 safety features

☑ Faster pressing cycle & bale-out indicator

☑ Improved fail-safes and locking mechanisms